Echoes of Me
Thoughts and wishes were left neglected. A voice hushed, leaving one wondering if it is possible to hope there are better days ahead. May the words written in this book give you back your voice and the strength to ensure you are never silenced again.
£7.99 -
Diverse, Converse and in Verse
During his teaching ministry Jesus told several stories, often witty, which drew upon the circumstances and situations of his day. He used this method of teaching as a means of making a point, whether favourable or harsh, that his hearers would understand and recognise in their application to them. This book adapts, updates, and converts into whimsical verse a number of these stories, while also raising some new issues for today’s generation. It is not intended to be a substitute for reading the Gospels and other New Testament books, but is intended to direct and encourage readers to look and think more deeply into Jesus’ original words as recorded in Scripture and how they might apply to them.
£8.99 -
Discombobulated and Other Poems
The poems in this engaging collection cover such topics as the seasons, the perils of overindulging during those seasons (as well as at other times), politics, religion, travel, the obvious superiority of cats over mere humans, and the simple, timeless virtues of honesty, sacrifice and charity.
No matter the subject, the poet’s sincerity, humour and intriguing view of human nature always shine through.£6.99 -
Die! Not Likely
I like my poetry to cover Life that others will recognise and relate to.
I try to bring in emotions and humour to help others to think and see a different perspective.
I enjoyed writing this book which just seemed to happen between my second husband dying in 2014 and having my stroke in 2015.
£6.99 -
Depths of Domestic Violence
When immersed in the horror of domestic violence, you either give up and die inside or you remove yourself and live in your imagination.
Nobody believes that it will happen to them – but it does – and it is real. It does not discriminate; it seeps over the threshold of every class, religion and gender. Abusers are clever; they relieve you of friends first, then family, until you have only them left. They tell you it is all in your head – that you are crazy and that you need help. They know your insecurities and this becomes their playground and you their play toy. An abuser does not care if you are sad, they do not care if you are broken and they have no interest in anything but total domination. You cannot fix them, you can never love them enough. You just have to leave.
£5.99 -
Deep Shallow
This book is about the paradoxical nature of life, with its chaotic and tame moments. It explores the different forces that shape our experiences and how we are constantly growing and changing. The book delves into the various aspects of life, including acknowledging one’s surroundings, finding love, dealing with heartbreak, and overcoming different circumstances. It encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences and to find beauty in the ups and downs of life. The author emphasizes the importance of memories and how they shape our lives and leave a lasting impact. The book is also an invitation to explore and enjoy the memories and emotions that the author captured through their words and through the memories they saved by date. The book is a reminder that even though we can never go back to a moment in time, we can always relive it through our memories and emotions.
£7.99 -
Dear Beautiful Chaotic Mind
An invitation to heartbreak and grief and a celebration of love.
She desired more,
More emotion,
More acceptance,More release of herself.
She desired the very passion,
That only she could give herself.
She created the words
With blood and tears.
Heart shattered
Bones twisted,
With nothing but poetry
To give.
£6.99 -
D.A.N's Little Book of War Poetry
This little book of war poetry is a reminder, if ever we needed one, of all those young men who have fought in wars: those who left and never returned; those who came back wounded, limbless, blind, disfigured and gassed; those who came back apparently unscathed but still had horrifying stories to tell of what had happened to them.
This book is dedicated to all those who sacrificed their lives.
And yes, we will always remember!
£6.99 -
Conversations with No-One
What do quarks and bosons have to do with faith? What does having a binary brain do for our sense of morality? Are the decisions we make in our life an expression of free will or simply the mysterious determined directives of creation? Are we self-determining creatures or just puppets?
Conversations with No-One is a collection of poems which trace the journey of one man, beginning in the seminary yet leading irrevocably into the worlds of neuroscience, quantum mechanics and genetics. It recounts a desperate search for personal meaning and purpose which turned into a three-decade long conversation with our humanity, from Gilgamesh’s search for immortality to Milo Wolff’s theory of the wave structure of matter. It reflects upon a journey through the wonder and horror of human existence, listening to the stories as they wrote our history, listening to the authors as they grappled with what it meant to be alive and conscious, to hear ourselves searching for answers to the questions which burned in our hearts and minds, to marvel at our remarkable ontology.
Conversations with No-One is a poetic, theological redaction of our self-apprehension informed by modern science, a view which challenges the very foundation of our cultural identity yet is in complete harmony with it. It is an invitation to ‘religare’, to go over again, and a reaffirmation of the ancient maxim ‘nosce te ipsum’ – to know yourself.
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Contemplation and Other Poems
This book explores a fresh interpretation of everyday subjects through poetry. The author hopes it will help instil a way of seeing everyday events differently, or, at the very least, make you curious and help you form an opinion about them.
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Collected Poems
Having lived in New Zealand, Britain and Germany, the author is amply experienced to comment on various aspects of British, New Zealand and German culture. Currently living in Germany, he visits Britain frequently. His interests include indigenous cultures and music sponsorship in Britain and abroad.
Here is a book of poems that will amuse and educate adults as well as older children. The poems cover a range of topics from young children to threatened species, and poems from classical Greek and Roman mythology. There are different cultures portrayed in a positive light while the best ideas taken from the worlds of psychology, stress management, and values reflecting religious principles are incorporated in an often amusing way.
If you want an easy read on the train or to relax with at home, this is a book that will entertain and give a feeling of hope and happiness in a world that often presents us with difficulties or perplexing problems.
£12.99 -
“…What I needed was one look,
and with that,
I was clairvoyant.
Your soul and your mind,
the tiniest part of your heart,
I knew it all and I made a promise
that I would teach you
about you,
share my knowledge,
and from this fruitful kinship,
we rise and raise each other high,
me seeing all of you
and you there,
right by my side.”
Trying not to think about it but to see how it makes you feel.